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Getting Started

var config = BasicAuthenticationConfig.ReadFromJsonFile("appsettings.json");
var ServiceNow = new ServiceNow(config);
  • It is possible to use Injection as well
services.AddSingleton<IServiceNow>(new ServiceNow(config));

Not typed

  • Create a Table Instance (Not Typed) and set request parameters
var usersTableNotTyped = ServiceNow
    .WithQuery("name like Branco and country = BR");

// The request is only made when ToListAsync is used.
var usersNotTyped = await usersTableNotTyped.ToListAsync();

while (usersNotTyped.Count > 0)
    usersNotTyped.ForEach(userNotTyped => userNotTyped.Display());
    //pagination is handled automatically and will be reset when we receive a response with 0 elements.
    usersNotTyped = await usersTableNotTyped.ToListAsync();


  • Create a Table Instance (Typed) and set request parameters To use types version it is needed an class inherited from ServiceNowBaseModel


    Use Attributes to map table names (SnowTable) and properties (JsonPropertyName) used in ServiceNow.
    You also can set a Filter in the class, In this case there no need to use withQuery or Where methods. Very useful when reading the relational table
    You can just copy and past the query from the table view in ServiceNow!

Creating an table class model

    //Remove the need to use .WithTable
    //Remove the need to use .Where or .WithQuery and helps to keep context inside the class
    public class User : ServiceNowBaseModel
        public string Country { get; set; }
        public string State { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string CityCode { get; set; }
        public string Email { get; set; }

        public string LanID { get; set; }

        public override string ToString()
            return $"user:{Name}, State:{State}, CityCode:{CityCode}, email:{Email}";

Creating an table instance

var usersTable = ServiceNow
    .Where(x => x.Name.Contains("Branco") && x.Country = "BR");

More Examples

//Creating a table instance
var incidentsTableNotTyped = ServiceNow

//Getting data
var incidentsNotTyped = await incidentsTableNotTyped
        .Select(new[] { "sys_id", "short_description" })
        .WithQuery("short_description like some nice")

incidentsNotTyped.ForEach(async incident =>
    Guid id = new Guid(incident.GetProperty("sys_id").ToString());
    ExpandoObject inc = incident.ToObject();
    inc.UpdateProp("short_description", "changed description on non typed value");
    var changed = await incidentsTableNotTyped.Update(id, inc);
    if (changed)
        Console.WriteLine("Incident Changed");
        Console.WriteLine("Incident NOT Changed");

Released under the MIT License.